Sound Body Initiative

You are an echo chamber

The body is mostly empty space, with all of our cells being able fit into a tiny thimble. Using the body as a resonant chamber, we open up the passageways between our cells for optimal communication and connection. This bioelectric phenomena is experienced individually and collectively through the power of our neurology and is enhanced through the use of sound vibrations and movement, as well as nutritional homeostasis of the cells. By providing our cells the proper minerals (electro-lytes) as well as proper thoughts and "e-motions" (energy in motion) we can improve cellular communication, thus receiving the eclectic impulses at a more effective rate promoting deep wellness, clarity and ease within our bodies. 

Sound in body & in mind

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Sound therapy plays upon one of our most shared human qualities... the capacity to feel & enjoy sound, while releasing feel good endorphins for optimal healing, promoting cellular communication and increasing heart/brain connection.

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Our neurology is far more powerful than we give credit. Here you will find resources for understanding the subconscious, exploring the inner-workings of our memory, learning how to promote new neural growth and anything else brainy, science-y and weird having to do with the neurology.

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The human body is one of the most complex and incredible organisms on our planet. Learning to best utilize our bodies through simple scientific principles in nutrition give us the ability to optimize our systems for enjoying long, healthy, and vibrant lives.

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With new discoveries every year, science continues to affirm that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, with modern tech only now validating the ancient understandings of our past. Here you will find resources that tie it all together and deepen your personal connection with Source.

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Sound Body Initiative is establishing & organizing the connection between sound, body & mind through a scientific approach to holistic well-being. We currently are seeking contributors to grow our mission of raising the collective wellbeing through the somatic healing arts. If you are an investor, sponsor, conscious creator, writer, holistic wellness advocate or coach, please use the email below to discuss how our communities can help one another.